TGIF!!!!! Never been more fond of that acronym than right now... it's been a looooooong week, to say the least. But I've got a couple of fun goodies to share to start the weekend off on a good note.
First up is this funky fresh set of bracelets that I wanted to share. Every time I go to my favorite fabric store, I spend a little time at the huge box of leather scraps. All the colors and textures and smells... oh my! But I never had a reason to buy any of it, so I'd just admire it and then move along to the silks and chiffons. However, on my last trip I was so inspired by all of the rich, jewel-toned colors that I had a creativity-lightbulb moment: ACCESSORIES!
But where the thicker leather failed in the braiding, it made up for in the basic leather cuffs. :) LOVE them!
These were super easy to make... just head over to your local Joann's and buy some
heavy duty snaps and some
snap tools, and you're on your way to making some one-of-a-kind accessories. :)
GOOD READ of the week: Quitter: Closing the gap between your day job & your dream job by Jon Acuff
This book came highly recommended by the fabulous,
Zach & Jody Gray, with whom I took a workshop with earlier this year.
Disclaimer #1: I have not been a very good reader in my adult life. It wasn't until two years ago when my sis and I started up a book club that I became a consistent reader (and by consistent, I mean that I might average 12-16 books a year). Not as well-read as I would like to be, but better than where I was 2 years ago!
Disclaimer #2: I don't think I've ever read a "business" book before. I've been mostly a novels girl, although now I'm really getting into memoirs (again, thanks to book club).
So given these disclaimers, I'm proud to say that I read Quitter in record time and quite enjoyed it! First of all, I was highly motivated by the subject matter. Juggling two jobs right now is exhausting, and I wanted to quit my day job a year ago to pursue my photography full-time. But Acuff challenges you to not be so hasty in quitting your regular 9-to-5 to pursue your dream job.
After being a serial quitter himself (8 jobs in 8 years) in constant pursuit of a dream job, Acuff candidly shares how to avoid the mistakes he made and how to plan wisely when considering a major career change. I loved how easy and fluid his writing is... like you're having a convo with him over a cup o' Joe. And while I'd still like to throw caution to the wind and quit my job today, I do think he offers some good advice on how to quit the right way. It's all about the "hustle," baby.
I'll leave you on this Fab Friday with one of my favorite quotes from the book:
"I know sometimes our day jobs feel meaningless. But they're always a great place to start dreaming. They're also a great place to start changing the world."